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David Hurn: Selecting a Subject

I recently bought a copy of David Hurn’s book: On being a Photographer (Hurn, 2008), which I found very inspiring.  The chapter on how to choose a subject helped me with my choice of subject for Assignment 2.  Because of the current situation with Covid-19 virus and lockdown country wide, my initial plans for the assignment were not possible.  So I went through the options in the way that Hurn suggests.

The first thing to do is carry a notebook and during quiet times or as the thought occurs to you, compile a list of anything that really interests you. In other words write a list of subjects which fascinate you without regard to photography.

(Hurn 2008)

He then goes on to suggest that having created a definitive list, it can be cut down by asking yourself the following questions:

Is it visual?  …….

Is it practical? ……..

Is it a subject about which I know enough? ……….

Is it interesting to others? ………..

(Hurn 2008)


I like this structured approach as I my background is in IT, a very logical subject, and at times have found the creative aspects of the course challenging.  This structured approach, I believe, sits well in a creative environment.


Hurn, D. (2008) On being a Photographer.