Part 3 · Research · Uncategorized

Duane Michals

Duane Michals is an American photographer who annotates much of his work and by combining text with images enhances their meaning.  In the example referred to in the course text: This Photograph is My Proof  (1974).

This Photo is my proof

The text indicates that the photograph was taken some time before the text was added.  But the question is raised as to whether she still loves him now, if not why did the relationship change?  Was it something which he did to affect the situation, or did she break it off.  Something far more tragic could have happened, perhaps she passed away and he just needed reassurance that they were happy when she was still alive.

The handwritten notes give the whole image a more intimate feel, but is not necessarily proof that the author of the note was also the subject of the photograph.  The photographer could have added this caption to create an ambiguity to it.

In his series Chance Meeting the same ambiguity has been embedded into the story. Do they actually know each other, or does the man with glasses think he knows the other man, but may not.

Chance Meeting

By adding narrative in this way, rather than explaining the meaning of a photograph, Michal gives the viewer the ability to make their own minds up.


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